TOOL Poster Info

The Next TOOL Poster Release

Artist-Remarqued ~ Band-Signed


Artist-Remarqued ~ Band-Signed 〰️

HERE, 5/30 at 1:00 PM EST

190/780 Remarqued Band-signed Tool Poster


Remarqued/Signed Tacoma Tool Posters Drop 5/30 at 1:00 PM EST….

Hello again TOOL Friends,

I am so excited to release more remarqued, band-signed Tool posters out into the world! I am painting up a new cluster of posters and I will list the latest work HERE on Monday, May 30 2022 Here’s some info:

  • All posters will be band-signed/artist-remarqued and cost $888.00 + 15.00 US insured shipping. They will be properly packed in hard 4” tubes.

  • This batch of listings go live, for sale, on my site HERE on 5/30/2022 at 1 PM, EST.

  • Because choices always were a problem for you, I will post detailed advance preview pics throughout the week of each remarque with its corresponding number (ex: 180/780) HERE on my Instagram Stories/Highlights as they’re created so you have a good idea beforehand what’ll be listed. Each remarque will include a different mushroom I’ve encountered.

  • When the release goes live on my website, each remarqued poster will be individually listed by it’s edition number. Follow those IG stories if you want to be prepared and know which edition number is your 1st, 2nd, etc. choice.

  • One poster per household. If you double up, it gets refunded and relisted.

    Thank you to everyone who’s expressed interest in my work. Artists generally work in solitude and a kind response means it’s not all for naught afterall.


Remarque detail on 190/780: Amanita Muscaria Fungeist